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Goals and objectives

From the Charter

  1. The subject of activity of the RGOO “BDPO” is the development of a fire volunteer movement in the Republic of Belarus.
  2. The purpose of the RGOO “BDPO” is the implementation of the following state significant tasks:
    1. joining efforts of citizens to ensure fire safety on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
    2. the creation of voluntary fire brigades, the organization and coordination of their activities, including in the implementation of fire prevention measures, extinguishing fires;
    3. participation in the creation of freelance fire brigades;
    4. assistance to bodies and departments of emergency situations in the prevention and (or) extinguishing of fires;
    5. assistance in the implementation of programs in the field of fire prevention and extinguishing;
    6. training the population on fire safety measures;
    7. other tasks determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
  3. RGOO “BDPO” uses the following methods and forms of activity to carry out state-significant tasks:
    1. involvement of the public to participate in outreach work among the population on the prevention of fires;
    2. interaction with local executive and administrative bodies on the prevention and (or) extinguishing of fires;
    3. analysis of the readiness of the voluntary fire brigades created by the RGOO “BDPO” to carry out fire-prevention measures, extinguish fires;
    4. assistance to freelance fire brigades;
    5. providing consulting and methodological assistance to state bodies and other organizations in the creation and organization of the activities of voluntary and freelance fire brigades, providing consulting and methodological assistance to these groups;
    6. holding review contests and competitions among voluntary and freelance fire brigades;
    7. carrying out publishing activities, organizing the release of magazines, posters, teaching aids and booklets on the prevention of fires, fire volunteer movement;
    8. carrying out events to support and develop fire and rescue sports, organizing sports and sports events, international meetings, conferences, exhibitions, demonstrating achievements in the field of fire safety, including jointly with the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
    9. cooperation with other organizations, voluntary fire brigades of foreign states on the development of fire and rescue business and fire volunteer movement;
    10. participation in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety, the development, together with other organizations, of proposals on issues of fire safety, including on the activities of voluntary fire brigades, and their submission in the prescribed manner to a state body (organization, official), authorized to adopt (issue) the relevant regulatory legal act;
    11. development and strengthening of the material, technical and production base of the RGOO “BDPO”, rendering assistance in accordance with the state significant tasks in the development and strengthening of the material and technical base of bodies and departments for emergency situations;
    12. participation in the organization of children’s health improvement in health institutions of the Republic of Belarus and abroad;
    13. participation in the development of new models of fire rescue equipment, equipment and fire protection means;
    14. other methods and forms that do not contradict this Charter and other acts of legislation.