Composition fire-retardant impregnating GOS
Characteristics:Fire-resistant timber is allowed to be used at facilities in conditions of service classes I – III in accordance with GOST 20022.2-80.
The composition provides the II group of fire retardant efficiency with a minimum total consumption of 330 g / m 2 with 2-time processing of the structure.
The shelf life of the fire-retardant efficiency of the composition and strength of fire-resistant wood in the absence of climatic factors is five years. It is allowed to reduce the strength of treated wood by no more than 20%.
The composition is highly effective in protecting wood from damage by mold and staining fungi.
To orderManufactured according to technical specifications TU BY 400069392.001-2010 as amended.
Certificate of Conformity “Unitary Enterprise Gomel Fire-Fighting Works” No. BY / 112 02.01.033 00154, valid until 27.05.2020
Composition fire-retardant impregnating GOS is intended for fire-retardant processing of wood wood.
The composition is applied on surfaces that have access for control and re-treatment, which are not directly affected by climatic factors and chemically aggressive environments.